Cleveland Institute of Art Interactive Media Lab
Cleveland Institute of Art’s $12.7 million state-of-the-art Interactive Media Lab is being constructed at the Midtown Collaboration Center at 1674 E. 66th St., next to the Cleveland Foundation’s new headquarters. CIA will offer training in virtual reality, augmented reality and game design as well as an XR film studio. The lab’s studio will be used by both students and startups, and will serve as a hub for artist- and designer-driven content, discourse and development. It will be a local and regional driver for youth to explore careers. CIA offers 13 majors in the fine arts, design, craft and entertainment arts. It has about 600 students from across the country and the world. CDA is giving the project $7 million in federal NMTC and $1 million in Ohio NMTC for technology, equipment and other eligible non-real estate expenses associated with the lab.

Neighborhood Revitalization
The IML and Midtown Collaboration Center will strive to bring together multiple sectors, companies, disciplines under one roof and are a new model for a “both and” approach to economic activity that centers around community. The Project will be both regionally significant and locally transformative.